When in a dream state, many people experience watching their wildest wonders through a tv screen. While it may seem farfetched to see actual reality through a screen, it is said that a tv can represent mental escape, a gateway through dimensions in which can take you anywhere, or even self reflection. Independent Producer TV day job relays these indistinct feelings and concepts through his sound, conveying spacious, mysterious guitar melodies, accompanied by dreamy synth leads that almost sound like they’re crying to you from somewhere you couldn’t grasp. All of this is contributing to the story of his own experiences with escape and self reflection, in attempts to sherpa the listener safely through these dimensions.
The young artist grew up loving cartoons. Something about the art form, the coloration, the stories, really spoke aloud to him. The creativity and liberation of creating from scratch, and the only limitation being what you can imagine, is enough to inspire anybody at a young age. The lust to create for tv grew in drawing, which eventually stemmed into making his own stuffed animals out of old socks and fabrics found around the house. On car rides, his mother would play Nirvana and R.E.M. CDs. After receiving an old mp3 player from his uncle and learning how to download mp3 files on it from the computer, he began growing an interest in many different genres of music. After this, songwriting became an all day, every day mindset. Writing covers of songs he enjoyed as well as creating his own melodies and lyrics in his head, it was soon an instinct. As time went on, the dream of being a creator started to dwindle, as he didn’t know how or where to start. But at the age of 14, his uncle gave him his first first guitar and it hardly ever touched the rack. Since then, he’s been devoted to turning his mind into music at the highest level.
Since his early stages, TV day job has found many influences in art, storytelling, and music that has brought him to find an incredibly novel sound that embraces the future while still manifesting a familiar sound. In short, TV day job is growing his sound every day taking us further and further away and attempting to make us feel comfortable in the unknown. And based on his previous work, there is no doubt that TV’s sound will reach millions of souls.