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TV day job Studios
You deserve a creative space with privacy and equipment that can get the job done for you. Take the weight off your shoulders, focus on your talents, and leave the rest to me.

WA87, x2 SE 4400s, Avantone CR14 Ribbon, sm57, Beta 52,
Mic Preamps
API 3122V, Focusrite ISA 1, Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre, DBX 286s

Outboard Gear
Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre, Apollo Twin, VLA2 Stereo Tube Compressor, Mackie CR1604, DBX 266xl
Instruments & More
Fender Stratocaster, Squire Jaguar Bass, Fender Vibro Champ, Grandmother Moog, DD2 Digital Delay, EHX Fuzz, EXH Phaser, EHX Ocean's 11, Novation MIDI Controller

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